With over 100 years of experience, Trillo Anchors and Chains is a leader in providing Mooring Equipments for Vessels, Floating crafts, Marine Farms, etc.

Operating from A Coruna (Northwestern Spain) and with capacity to provide full mooring equipment anywhere in the world, Trillo Anchors and Chains bases its strategy on maintaining a very large stock of materials for immediate delivery, in order to meet all the needs of its customers.

Personalized supplies, according to the specifications of our customers. We are able to supply all the materials assembled, cut and prepared either for anchoring a ship, an aquaculture facility or a marina.

Anchors and chains


Standard and High Holding Power anchorsas well as specific ones for permanent moorings


Hall Type Anchors from 100 to 3300 kg (in mm)

Hall Type Anchors from 3540 to 20000 kg (in mm)

Know more

speck m

SPEK M Type Anchors from 80 to 3780 kg (in mm)

SPEK M Type Anchors from 4050 to 20000 kg (in mm)

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ac 14

AC14 Type Anchors from 56 to 2794 kg (in mm)

AC14 Type Anchors from 3040 to 20000 kg (in mm)

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HV FB Type Anchors from 60 to 2140 kg (in mm)

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PTW Type anchors® from 60 to 34400 kg

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ptw +

PTW+ Type anchors® from 62 to 2295 kg

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Type Octopussy anchors®from 75 to 5000 kg

Know more


RT1 Type anchors® from 750 to 13500 kg

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Stud Link Chain

Grade 2 and 3 and fittings such as Kenter, swivel and Type D Shackles etc

Breaking and Load Test

Breaking and Load Test

Know more

Equipments Table

Equipments TableKnow more

Weight Chain and Fittings

Weight Chain and Fittings. Know more

union types

Joining Forms for K-S. Know more

Open Link Chain

Open Link Chain,natural, black tarred, Hot Dip Galvanized and chains Grade 80

Comercial chain

Comercial chain. Know more

din 766

DIN 766. Know more

grade 80

Grade 80. Know more

Grade 2

Grade 2. Know more

Grade 3

Grade 3. Know more


Shackles and fittings with different qualities and finishings

Dee Shackle

Dee Shackle. Know more

Bow Shackle

Bow Shackle. Know more

Shackle g2150/g210

Shackle G2150/G210. Know more

Shackle g2130/g209

Shackle G2130/G209. Know more

Carlucha Buoy

Material for aquaculture such as Buoys, Rings, Plates and Anchors .


Carlucha Buoy. Know more


Ropes for lashing and mooring


Ropes. Know more

Our Certificates

Our products are guaranteed by Quality Certificates,and certificates of Major Classification Societies, such as Lloyd’s Register, Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas, etc


Our commitment to quality has led us to implement a quality management system based on the Quality Standard ISO9001, which have the certificate of approval issued by BVQI.


Certificate as member of International Shipsuppliers & Services Association” (ISSA).


Certificate as member of Asociación Española de Suministradores Marítimos” (AESMAR)




Please let us know your enquiry or suggestions to improve

Tel: +34 981 173 478
Fax: + 34 981 298 705

email: info@rtrillo.com

Basic information about data protection

15 + 10 =

Axudas para execución de accións de promoción exterior conxunta das empresas galegas

TRILLO ANCLAS Y CADENAS S.L.U. foi beneficiaria das axudas para a execución de accións de promoción exterior conxunta das empresas galegas


  • O obxectivo principal destas axudas é incentivar a posta en marcha de plans de internacionalización
  • O resultado que se pretende acadar é aumentar o número de empresas galegas de base exportadora
  • Xaneiro 2024 a Marzo 2025 incluido