experts in anchors

With over 100 years of experience, Trillo Anchors and Chains is a leader in providing Mooring Equipments for Vessels, Floating crafts, Marine Farms, etc.

Facilities with a great production capacity

A Leader company in the sector

With over 100 years of experience, Trillo Anchors and Chains is a leader in providing Mooring Equipments for Vessels, Floating crafts, Marine Farms, etc.

Trillo Anclas y Cadenas, S.L.U combines a top failities with a big experience, allowing it to offer its customers a complete service according to their requirments, that is, suitable mooring equipments, including chain cut as needed, making mooring for buoys, mixed mooring systems composed by chains, ropes and buoys,etc

Get to know our facilities

Tour our Facilities by watching this video.



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Tel: +34 981 173 478
Fax: + 34 981 298 705


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